Partnering with Helperby Therapeutics

What we are looking for:

  • Licensing Helperby Technology

    We are partnering with pharma companies who have approved antibiotics, which remain patent-protected and which would benefit from:

    · increased activity vs. AMR

    · lower doses giving lower adverse events from increased activity

    Helperby can undertake work on behalf of, jointly with or can support partners who prefer internal working of all or part of these programs.

  • Manufacturing and Commercialisation Partners

    We are seeking biopharma and pharma companies with established manufacture and commercialisation of antibiotics, particularly injectable hospital-based therapies.

    We are especially interested in licensing the rights to manufacture and commercialise our combinations for US, Canada, Europe,  Middle East, Japan, China, India  and other key geographies.

    We have the plans to further expand our pipeline of innovative antibiotic combinations for oral use in community-infections.

For a confidential discussion please contact

James Phipson CEO